X - Practice problem

A top secret military project requires that your program calculate positions of missiles at various times, in order to coordinate the forces most efficiently. You part of the project deals with incoming and outgoing missiles flying in straight lines either towards the radar tower or away from it. The speed of each missile is constant for the whole duration of its flight.


Input will come from standard input. The first line will contain an integer N - the number of missiles in the radar range. The next N lines will each contain two integers, D and S. D is the distance between the radar and the missile, in meters. S is the velocity of the missile (it is positive for outgoing missiles and negative for incoming ones), in meters per second.


You program should print N numbers on separate lines, one for each missile. Each number is the predicted distance between the radar tower and the missile after one second. Ignore the fact that missiles can crash into the ground sometimes.

Sample input

5 2
7 -3
3 -3

Sample output